Why us?

Client standards

Our studio may choose to work with a variety of clients, depending on their specialization
and business goals. However, there are certain standards and qualities that our firm may
consider when selecting clients:

  • Compatibility
  • Budget and Scope
  • Value Alignment


We always value our arts and make sure to maintain its copyright.
No third party user can download our artwork or use our artwork.
We do not post any images on social handles if a client demands privacy.
We guarantee security and privacy for all images.


We do consider the following terms to maintain our reputation and dignity

  • Client service standard
  • Punctuality
  • Reliability
  • Accountability
  • Ethics
  • Competence and
  • Communication

Product Standards

Only high end products will be delivered.
We’re not willing to do low quality products which affect our reputation.
Products we do will have all the below qualities:

  • Long Lasting
  • Contemporary
  • High Resolution
  • Reliable

Equipment & Employee Standards

Our equipment is chosen in such a way that it is favorable for our taste in art.
We’ll always prefer the following

  • Canon - Photography
  • Sony - Videography
  • Godox & Elinchrom - Lights etc

Employees will only be used in their respective skilled areas.
Interns are not allowed to play major roles in the events.


Our products and services pricings are framed only using the below criterias:

  • Value of our art work
  • Salary for Employees
  • Equipment Expense
  • Post processing Expense
  • Miscellaneous Expense
  • Printing Expense
  • Profit 17% and
  • Business Level Up 5%